Issue 22, February 2010 14th February 2010 reelnews DVD/Download Compilations Comments Off on Issue 22, February 2010 Select Download or DVD Download £5.00 GBPDVD UK £7.00 GBPDVD Europe £8.00 GBPDVD Rest of the world £9.00 GBP Copenhagen: System Change not Climate Change! (Reel News) 80:00 Part 1: Carbon Trading: Privatise the air! 17:57 As the movements gather in Copenhagen, the talks are exposed as another attempt to save global capitalism. Part 2: 100,000 march in Copenhagen 16:48 The biggest march for climate justice ever, plus an introduction to the mass movements of the Global South. Part 3: Agribusiness and food sovereignty 12:32 La Via Campesina show how switching from agribusiness to organic farming would cut 40% of global emissions overnight. Part 4: Oil: Shut down the tar sands! 14:42 This horrific project in Canada will take us all over the tipping points on its own if we don’t stop it. Part 5: Wind: Vestas protest 4:27 Vestas workers invade the Danish company’s cocktail party. Part 6: Reclaim Power! 13:34 Direct action inside and outside the summit culminate in a People’s Assembly, and the real solutions to climate change. Fujitsu strike (Reel News) 15:46 The first ever national IT strike in British history over jobs, pay and pensions. EDL in Stoke (Indefilms) 4:40 Not a pretty sight, and some very offensive language – the English Defence League show their true colours.