Fawley oil refinery strike: Exxon Mobil send in police to harass workers

Running Time: 6 min 33 secs

Extraordinary scenes this week at Fawley Oil Refinery in Hampshire, where Exxon Mobil sent in scores of police to harass and intimidate striking workers, rather than talk to them.

Exxon Mobil made an obscene £3 billion profits in their last quarter – but have tied their workers into a pitiful 2.5% pay rise both this year and next. All the workers are asking for is a £1.62 rise on the hourly bonus payments to try and protect them a bit from infflation (now running at 14.2% RPI) – but Exxon and their contractors (Bilfinger, Altrad, Enerveo and Royal Engineering) are refusing to even speak to workers who risked their health to ensure those profits continued throughout the pandemic.

In fact, far from trying to settle this dispute, the bosses have instead been spreading disgusting lies about the strikers, accusing them of wolf whistling under age school girls and attacking vehicles. As this video shows, the reality is a very polite and civil picket line, with an incredible amount of workers refusing to cross in support when they hear what the strike is about.

The strikers’ courage and bravery in standing up to such nasty, bullying employers has earned them the nickname “The Fawley Fighters” – and the bosses’ underhand tactics have only made them more determined to win.

UNITE and GMB unions will be continuing the strike into a second week – and then will give the bosses three days to agree to negotiate. If there’s no response, another two week strike will take place from December 8 – 21.