6th form strike ballot: vote yes to decent pay!

Running time: 10 min 11 sec

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6th form college staff have just voted in an indicative ballot for strike action in huge numbers. The 85% yes vote on a 77% turnout shows the anger people feel at seeing their pay being cut by 20% over the past decade.

The problem is the Government, who have slashed funding for the sector by 20% since 2010 – which has also led to a huge increase in workload. Ultimately, it’s the students who suffer, particularly in working class areas.

Now the NEU are formally balloting for strike action starting on Tuesday October 18th – but with posties striking for their rights too, it’s vital your ballot form is posted as soon as possible. There are plenty of ideas in the video of how to make sure the votes at your college are sent off.

Vote yes to strike action – let’s sort this sector out once and for all.