
MFE racists still not welcome in Brighton

Despite their online promises of bringing more EDL dregs and other failed fascists to Brighton than ever before, this year’s ‘March for England’ (MFE) was the smallest yet. Only around 100 knuckle dragging racists made […]

DVD/Download Compilations

Issue 40, Apr 2014

Select Download or DVD Download £5.00 GBPDVD UK £7.00 GBPDVD Europe £8.00 GBPDVD Rest of the world £9.00 GBP 1: Massacre in Vitoria (Reel News) 36:43 1976, the Basque Country: a dying fascist state orders […]

Cleaners/Outsourced workers

3cosas – No redundancies! Recognition now!

Film length: 10:27 They’ve won the London living wage, sick pay and improved holidays – but now outsourced workers at the University of London face a battle to stop mass redundancies, and for recognition of […]

Cleaners/Outsourced workers

SOAS cleaners: third day of strike action

Film length: 6:24 “We’re not afraid of you anymore! The more you attack us, the stronger we become!” says Lenin Escudero, UNISON rep for the SOAS cleaners who are demanding to be brought back inhouse […]