“Alison” (Police Spies out of Lives) speaking at “Undercover policing, democracy and human rights” meeting at the University of Manchester School of Law, 14th April 2016
Film length: 18:28 Dave Smith, secretary of the Blacklist Support Group, speaking at the Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance (COPS) meeting at London Metropolitan University on 12th November 2014.
Film length: 1:03 16 months into the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing, and the police still haven’t released any information. Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance go to the Home Office to demand an end to the […]
Film length: 13:12 Tamsin Allen speaking at “Voices of the Spied on” public meeting, University of London, 9.10.16. Tamsin Allen is a partner at Bindmans, a law firm who were themselves monitored by the Special […]