Climate change, militarism and war
Film length: 36:38 The Cop21 climate talks at Paris are being acclaimed as an “historic agreement” on climate change, and a huge step forward. While it’s true that a 1.5 degrees centrigade limit has been […]
Film length: 36:38 The Cop21 climate talks at Paris are being acclaimed as an “historic agreement” on climate change, and a huge step forward. While it’s true that a 1.5 degrees centrigade limit has been […]
Film length: 25:21 Capitalism abandoned Detroit years ago, leaving it derelict and overgrown. In 2010, Reel News visited and found communities being rebuilt through growing their own food in 1,300 urban gardens.
Meeting with representatives of the neighbourhood committee in the huge working class district of Peristeri last night, one of over 40 similar committees throughout Athens. Similar to the neighbourhood assemblies that sprung up in Argentina […]
https://archive.org/details/TheLegacyOfTheBlackPanthers_599 Film Length: 20:49 Spawned by the U.S. civil rights movement of the 60s, the Black Panther Party have been constantly misrepresented. Here ex-members speak for themselves about the work of this great revolutionary party […]
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