Issue 37, Aug 2013

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1) Fracking: The Truth (Reel News,Frack Free Fylde) 26:45Fracking produces earthquakes, poisons the water supply, and causes cancer. The shocking evidence from the U.S., Canada, Australia and Lancashire.

2) Divided Families Campaign (Reel News) 9:02

Families separated by impossible regulations on earnings tell their own heartbreaking stories.

3) Fracking: Balcombe 1 (Reel News) 16:39

Villagers in West Sussex rise up against the decision to give Cuadrilla permits to start exploratory drilling for oil.

4) The Hunt for Hunt (Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign) 6:35

Spectacular victory for the campaign to stop cuts at Lewisham Hospital.

5) Fracking: Balcombe 2 (Reel News) 8:56

The permanent blockade of the fracking site continues by possibly the fastest growing environmental movement ever seen.

6) Chicago Schools 3 day march (Labor Beat) 26:10

54 schools threatened with closure – but an unprecedented rank and file movement of teachers and pupils is determined to keep them open.

7) Visit Faslane Peace Camp (Camcorder Guerillas) 10:15

Legendary Glasgow videoactivist collective The Camcorder Guerillas celebrate their 10th anniversary in September. This is their latest film – an urgent call for support.

8) Crossrail: Bond St (Reel News) 4:47

The campaign over blacklisting on the Crossrail project is winning, as Kier start to lose multimillion pound contracts.

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