Film length: 11:19
“I think this has got the capacity to be the biggest thing in this city since the dockers strike in 1997.” So said Roy Bentham, from the Blacklist Support Group, organisers of the direct action at the Royal Liverpool Hospital site which brought chaos to rush hour traffic.
The dispute has erupted over the awarding of the hospital contract – a 5 year building contract costing £492 million – to notorious blacklisters Carillion, despite Liverpool Council having a policy of not awarding public contracts to known blacklisting companies.
Carillion have refused to employ any workers on the blacklist, despite being handed a list of names of currently available people. They are also ignoring national agreed rates for the job, people are working as bogus self-employed, and clauses in the contract for the number of apprenticeships and the amount of local labour employed are being completely flaunted.
Follow the Blacklist Support Group on Facebook for details about the next actions – or email them at