Campaigners shut down Edmonton over planned racist, toxic, incinerator

Running Time: 5:24

Local campaigners shut down Edmonton on Sunday as the struggle to stop the expansion of the Edmonton Incinerator gathers pace. Already one of the most polluted areas of the country, the area – over 65% ethnic minorities – will be subjected to a whopping 700,000 tonnes of CO2 if the plan goes ahead.

The North London Waste Authority has shamefully agreed to go ahead with the expansion and award the £674 million contract (paid for with our council tax) to controversial Spanish firm Acciona – despite their bid only scoring 36 out of 100, being over £200 million more than expected, and the company being notorious for numerous corruption scandals, known for dumping toxic waste illegally and not even finishing contracts they’ve been paid for.

Not only are six of the seven councils that make up the NLWA Labour councils, but the chair – deputy leader of Waltham Forest Council, Clyde Loakes – is also on the board of the company that runs the incinerator.

Clear corruption from someone who is supposed to speak for his working class constituents – but he and the other councillors may be in for a shock at the upcoming council elections, with growing calls to vote them out.

With council tax strikes and legal action being launched on top of direct action and civil disobedience, this campaign which is essential for people’s health and for climate justice could soon be celebrating a dramatic victory.