Issue 36, June 2013

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1: Yolanda (Reel News) 19:35

Exposed: a notorious convicted fascist murderer from the transition to “democracy” in Spain is now working for the police. Email us at if you can help organise international solidarity.

2: Blacklisted 2013 (Reel News) 20:00

Huge steps forward for the campaign to stop the illegal blacklisting of construction workers for trade union activity.

3: Biofuels (Reel News) 4:48

Drax are among the power stations planning to burn huge amounts of biofuels in an attempt to appear green.

4: 3 Cosas Campaign (Reel News) 7:47

Big decisions in the campaign for sick pay, pensions and decent holidays for outsourced workers at the university of London.

5: Defend Max, Jawad and Steve (Reel News) 12: 23

Three union members at London Metropolitan university victimised on ludicrous charges.

6: Blacklisting on Crossrail: The Proof (Reel News) 14:57

New series of regional reports on blacklisting, starting with the South East.

7: Save the Independent Living Fund (Reel News) 7:44

Disabled activists start the fight to save an essential benefit.

8: Public Art in South Acton (Reel News) 16:19

Fantastic street art on one of the biggest council estates in West London.