
Blacklisting: The Crimes of Carillion

So, not content with using our money to bail out the banks, now they want us to bail out blacklisting scum Carillion. Watch this video, which shows why Carillion should never have been awarded public […]


ROMANIA: The story behind the protests

Film length: 5:05 February 2017 saw the biggest protests in Romania’s history, forcing the Government to withdraw a bill which would have let hundreds of politicians escape investigations and prison sentences for corruption. It was […]

Justice Campaigns

Make Some Noise for Orgreave Justice

Film length: 11:05 In possibly the LOUDEST demo ever held outside the Home Office, the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign protests against the outrageous decision not to hold a public inquiry into the infamous police […]

Undercover Policing

Pitchford Inquiry – Stop the cover up!

Film length: 1:03 16 months into the Pitchford Inquiry into undercover policing, and the police still haven’t released any information. Campaign Opposing Police Surveillance go to the Home Office to demand an end to the […]