1. Catalonia: The Streets Will Always Be Ours! (37:53)
The key role played by the radical left against the violence and repression of the Spanish state and the fight for the right to vote, including the student strike, the referendum and the general strike.
2. Catalonia (Spanish subtitles) (37:53)
3. Catalonia (10 min version) ( 9:57)
4. NHS Uprising (11:11)
1,000 march through Grantham, Lincolnshire to defend the NHS against Accountable Care Organisations.
5. McStrike! (14:13)
The first ever UK McDonalds strike, for a £10 an hour minimum wage and an end to zero hours contracts.
6. Blacklisting at Big Ben 2:37)
The Blacklist Support Group demands answers over the awarding of the Big Ben contract to notorious blacklisters Sir Robert McAlpine.
7. Birmingham Bin Workers Strike (4:55)
Victory! Bin workers stop the Labour council from cutting their pay.
8. Orgreave Death of Justice March (9:03)
Halloween march to demand a public enquiry in to Orgreave.
9. Sean Taylor: Run to the Water ( 3:38)
From the “Flood and Burn”CD, featuring dancer Sofia Casprini.
Total 131:20