1: 15 Million Afghans (Guy Smallman/Fil Kaler) 26:00
The harsh economic reality of everyday life in Kabul, and the people’s growing anger at its government and their western sponsors.
2: When NATO came to town (Laborbeat) 25:26
Soldiers renounce the war on terror and throw their medals back at the NATO summit protests in Chicago.
3: United by Love – Divided by Teresa May (Reel News) 7:15
Home Office protest over new restrictions on family members of British citizens entering the country.
4: Making Ends Meet (Syndicate Films) 19:44
Barcelona: new models of organising and protesting against the politics of austerity
5: Asturian Miners strike (Microfilms) 16:58
Faced with thousands of job losses, the miners in Spain go on strike using the most militant tactics seen so far in the struggle against austerity.
6: Miners march to Madrid (Soviet Films) 8:30
The miners march for 18 days from Asturias, to be greeted by thousands of supporters in Madrid.