Tory Scum, Here We Come! Student Protests: The Story So Far 17th January 2011 reelnews Students Comments Off on Tory Scum, Here We Come! Student Protests: The Story So Far Film Length: 13:35 ***FULL RESOLUTION VERSION AVAILABLE ON REEL NEWS 26 *** The rise of the incredible student movement over tuition fees. student fees
Students Day X3 – Student Anger erupts over the cuts and the police kettling 10th December 2010 reelnews Students Comments Off on Day X3 – Student Anger erupts over the cuts and the police kettling Film Length: 10:42 ***FULL RESOLUTION VERSION AVAILABLE ON REEL NEWS 26 *** Tuition fees, cutting the EMA, savage cuts to the welfare state and the public sector, job losses, and children being imprisoned on freezing […]