Leaways special school: how privatisation is failing children
Running Time: 8mins 11 secs *** IMPORTANT – POSTIES DON’T GET ANY STRIKE PAY – PLEASE DONATE TO THE CWU STRIKE FUND AT THIS LINK: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=3EVU686A9QKZ6 *** An astonishing 17,500 postal workers – virtually 1 […]
Film length: 6:31 David Cameron is telling everyone that by cutting 22% of sixth form funding since 2010, he’s actually “protecting” it and providing “better funding”. So striking teachers from City & Islington hold free […]
Film length: 3:38 Welsh museums, along with the Welsh government, are imposing new contracts on their lowest paid workers which will take away their weekend bonuses. The workers, who are paid around £15,000 a year, […]
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