With only a couple of days’ notice, thousands demonstrate against Israel’s bombardment of Gaza.
2) Gaza: National demonstration (Reel News) 7:10
Estimates of up to 100,000 people from all over the country express their anger at “Operation Protective Edge.
3) Uprising in Burgos (Jaime Alekos) 15:36
Spain: the working class district of Gamonal in Burgos stops the building of a luxury shopping mall with an astonishing uprising.
4) Gaza: Cabinet Office Occupied (Reel News) 5:08
London Palestine Action occupy the Cabinet Office in London, demanding that the sale of arms to Israel be stopped.
5) Gaza: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Occupied (Reel News) 4:34
London Palestine Action again, occupying the government department responsible for awarding contracts to arms sellers.
6) Iain Duncan Smith in the dock (Reel News) 6:39
Disabled People Against Cuts (DPAC) hold a vigil as the DWP are summoned to the High Court over the Work Capability Assessment.
7) DPAC Occupation at Westminster Abbey (Indyrikki) 6:08
8) Gaza: Eyewitness Report (Reel News) 20:43
Award winning journalist Max Blumenthal gives a shocking eyewitness report of the results of OPeration Protective Edge.
9) Brixton Ritxy Strike: Python picket (Reel News) 6:49
The battle for the London Living Wage continues with a mass picket as the Ritzy cinema attempts to open on a strike day for the first time.
10) Banner Theatre: Orgreave (Reel News) 13:57
Powerful performance from the legendary Banner Theatre on the 30th anniversary of the Great Strike.
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