Issue 12, January 2008 4th January 2008 reelnews DVD/Download Compilations Comments Off on Issue 12, January 2008 Select Download or DVD Download £5.00 GBPDVD UK £7.00 GBPDVD Europe £8.00 GBPDVD Rest of the world £9.00 GBP 1: Stop Them Privatising Our Schools (Reel News) 21:21 City academies are increasingly being imposed on reluctant communities. Venture capitalists, religious organisations and multinationals with no educational experience are being given schools on the cheap to do with as they like. This film focusses on 4 campaigns in London to stop them – Pimlico, Wembley, Islington Green and Frank Barnes. 2: Communties Against Guns and Knives (Reel News) 6:05 A new group in Haringey, North London organise a march against gun and knife crime, and against the demonisation of our kids. 3: After Sangatte (Oscar Beard) 13:53 Refugees from Iraq and the Middle East, fleeing war, are stuck in Calais with no food or shelter – while the UK government responsible for those wars refuses to let them in. 4: From Jerusalem to Haringey (Reel News) 13:14 The twinning movement is about ordinary people in the UK making links with their counterparts in Palestine, forming friendships and delivering long term practical solidarity. 5: Holloway Prison: Another Death (Reel News) 9:57 Every time a woman dies in prison, Pauline Campbell organises a direct action protest outside the prison concerned. The number of deaths is rising sharply – shame on the Home Office! 6: Volviendo (extract) (Laurence Martin) 10:31 A film charting the return to Chile of a political refugee, to sing a song he wrote for the youngest person to be executed during the military overthrow of Allende’s popular government. 7: Policing the Pollution (Oscar Beard) 9:51 In the process of building a new oil refinery off the shores of Ireland, Shell are illegally polluting the water supply to the people of Mayo. 8: Tara: Skullduggery (Schmovies) 12:05 The bulldozing of ancient and sacred Irish burial mound Tara to make way for a four lane motorway. Protestors take direct action to enforce EU law.